FAQs About Elite Veins NY

FAQs About Elite Veins NY in NYC

Read our FAQs to learn more about our services and terms. If you have any questions, feel free to call us or request an appointment online.

Table of Contents:

Venous Ulcer (4)

What does a venous ulcer look like?

Venous ulcers are often located on the ankles or calves, they can be quite painful and often be red but have been seen covered with yellow, fibrous tissue and an irregular border. They are open skin sores and are caused by issues with blood circulation within the leg veins.

Venous ulcers generally occur due to the valves inside the leg veins becoming damaged. These vein valves control the blood pressure within the veins. It then drops the blood pressure each time you walk. If the blood pressure inside the leg’s veins does not fall when they walk, the condition is then diagnosed as sustained venous hypertension. This increase in your blood pressure is what causes venous ulcers to form within the ankles or calves.

What is the best treatment for venous stasis ulcers?

Depending on the severity of the venous ulcer on the patient’s legs will influence the type of treatment that would be recommended. Compression therapy has been proven quite successful for venous ulcers with leg elevation which helps to minimize the patient’s venous insufficiency. It is recommended to be worn for 30 minutes, three to four times a day.

Another method of treatment for mild to moderate venous stasis ulcers would be medication to help kill off the infection, as well as provide non-invasive treatments to help the skin.

If you have a severe case of venous stasis ulcers, surgery may be recommended as a last resort to help treat the infection.

What are the first signs of venous ulcers?

Venous ulcers often become itchy or burn, and the leg surrounding the venous ulcer can become swollen. Other first signs of venous ulcers may include:

  • – Rashes 
  • – Dry skin 
  • – Discoloration that may look brown 
  • – Foul-smelling fluid coming out from the sore

If the venous ulcer becomes infected, you may notice:

  • – Redness or swelling around the venous ulcer 
  • – Pain that is starting to get worse 
  • – Fever
  • – Pus coming out of the ulcer

If the venous ulcer is not healing properly or is infected, it is best to see a doctor immediately for treatment. However, if your venous ulcer is showcasing first signs with no indication of infection, treatment at Elite Veins is available.

How long do venous ulcers take to heal?

If you are noticing the first signs of a venous ulcer, or if you want to prevent getting venous ulcers, you can wear compression socks or stockings. This pressure should help to improve circulation in your leg, as well as boost your body’s ability to heal the venous ulcer.

Another treatment option would be to take antibiotics to help kill the venous ulcer infection. You may also be given a moist dressing to put over the top of the ulcer to help heal it quickly.

Finally, if the venous ulcer is severe enough, surgery may be recommended to help improve the circulation within your legs. Surgery can help to improve the blood circulation within your legs and heal any ulcers while preventing similar issues later on.

Many venous ulcers can heal after treatment within 3 to 4 months, some patients may notice that their venous ulcers may never clear up.

To prevent venous ulcers, you can make life changes within your diet, or medication, you can also:

  • – Stop smoking 
  • – Get down to a healthy weight
  • – Control chronic conditions including high blood pressure and diabetes
  • – Take aspirin to help prevent blood clots – Reduce salt intake from your diet 
  • – Exercise or stay active each day – Wear compression socks or stockings 
  • – Elevate the legs

If you are looking for a treatment to help with your venous ulcers, contact Elite Veins today for a consultation appointment to review the severity of your venous ulcer and book a treatment appointment. We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.

Leg Pain and Swelling (4)

What causes pain and swelling in the legs?

Leg swelling and pain are often caused by retention of fluid in the legs and tissues which is often referred to medically as peripheral edema. It is often caused within the venous circulation system, the kidneys, and the lymphatic system.

Leg swelling and pain is not always a sign of heart or circulation issues, it can be due to fluid buildup simply from a few different reasons including being inactive, overweight/obese, sitting or standing for long periods of time, or wearing tight socks, stockings or jeans.

A few different causes that are related to fluid buildup and pain include:

  • Acute Kidney Failure
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Cirrhosis
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis
  • Heart Failure
  • Hormone Therapy
  • Lymphedema
  • Nephrotic Syndrome
  • Overweight/Obesity
  • Pain Relievers
  • Pericarditis
  • Pregnancy
  • Prescription Medications
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Sitting or standing for long periods of time
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Venous Insufficiency
What can you do for leg pain and swelling?

There are a few home remedies that you can do to help ease any swelling before booking an appointment with our private practice for further treatment:

  • Cut back on salty food intake
  • Wear compression socks/stockings
  • Exercise each day per recommended activities levels
  • During long car rides, switch positions of how you are sitting, and stop for breaks to move your legs
  • During a flight, get up from your seat and move around as much as possible
  • Raise your legs above your heart a few times per day for 30 mins

If you begin to notice these serious symptoms of leg swelling, immediately contact our private practice to book an appointment, as it could be deadly, the symptoms include shortness of breath, leg pain, extreme exhaustion, coughing up blood, chest pain, chest pressure, dizzy, fainting, confusion, and leg swelling.

Our vein clinic at Elite Veins in New York, are available for patients who are dealing with leg pain and swelling. We have treatment options available to help with symptoms associated with leg pain and swelling.

When should you go to the hospital for swollen feet and legs?

While minor swelling and pain in the legs is normally not a cause for concern, it is when there is excessive swelling and pain, or long-lasting swelling and pain that can be worrisome of a medical condition.

Swelling can occur from a variety of different things, usually after an injury. This is the main time that the body will then send more fluid to the affected area, this is done to help it heal. As the injury begins to heal, the excess fluid will drain away and the swelling will begin to go down.

There are some cases where the body is not able to circulate the building fluid, particularly within the areas that are furthest from the heart. This type of swelling is noted as peripheral edema, and it will signal more issues, some of which will include:

  • Blood clots which can travel to areas like the brain, lungs, or heart
  • Heart disease
  • Heart failure
  • Infection
  • Kidney damage
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Lymphedema
  • Severe-allergic reaction
  • Venous disease

Not all swelling should be a cause for concern, however, swelling that is excessive, unexplained, and even long-lasting which is when concern begins to rise. Knowing the difference between what needs immediate medical attention, and what can be dealt with at home is what matters.

How do you know if swelling is serious?

If you notice sudden, and unexplained swelling occurring in just one limb, or if it occurs along with symptoms of chest pain, coughing up blood, issues breathing, fever, or skin that looks red and is quite warm to the touch, seek immediate emergency care. These symptoms can be very dangerous and cause serious injury or even death.

If the swelling does not go away on its own, it is highly recommended to book an appointment with our center Elite Veins NY. Our leg pain and swelling specialists are available for these kinds of issues. If you are noticing these kinds of symptoms, book an appointment with us. We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.

Rfa Specialist (5)

What is radiofrequency ablation?

Radiofrequency vein ablation (RFA) is a minimally-invasive treatment for venous insufficiency and varicose veins. In RFA, a small plastic catheter delivers heat to the vein wall, causing it to shrink and then the vein to seal closed. Once the vein is sealed closed, the blood is routed to nearby healthy veins for improved circulation in the area.

Radiofrequency vein ablation has become the most popular alternative to the more invasive vein stripping procedure done in hospitals or the more painful laser vein ablations. RFA is associated with far less tissue damage and a faster and more comfortable recovery compared to vein stripping procedures or laser vein ablation. With RFA most patients experience much less bleeding and bruising compared to laser vein ablation

What happens during the RF procedure?

Radiofrequency vein ablation is an in-office outpatient procedure. First, Dr. Radwaner maps out the vein using ultrasound imaging. He marks the incision site and numbs the treatment area using a local anesthetic. Then he makes a small incision into the damaged vein. The incision allows Dr. Radwaner to insert a thin, flexible catheter into the damaged vein. Once the catheter is in position, the radiofrequency device is advanced to the damaged area of the vein. The device emits controlled beams of energy along the damaged portion of the vein, causing it to shrink and the vein to seal closed. Because the RFA catheter allows precise measuring of the temperature reached within the vein, it results in less bleeding, bruising, and tissue damage.

After the vein is treated, Dr. Radwaner performs another ultrasound to assess the results before he removes the catheter. When the procedure is complete, he removes the catheter and RFA device and places a bandage.

How long does it take to heal from vein ablation?

Depending on how large the area is that is being treated, and how large the veins are will determine how long it may take for the vein ablation to heal. Usually, our patients are noticing their smaller veins begin to disappear around the 3 to 6-week mark post-treatment, and the larger veins begin to disappear around the 3-month mark post-treatment.

A few things we recommend to help speed up the recovery of radiofrequency vein ablation:

  • – Walking
  • – No exercise for 7 days after the procedure
  • – Wear compression stockings for 3 weeks
What is recovery like after RF ablation?

Once your RF ablation treatment is complete, you’ll be able to walk right away, and in fact, regular walking is encouraged to promote healing and circulation. You’ll need to wear the dressing that was placed on after the procedure for approximately 48 hours. You’ll also need to come back to the office for a brief follow-up exam approximately 48- 72 hours later.

Insurance Policy

Elite Veins NY is a concierge practice without a concierge fee. Dr. Radwaner personally performs all procedures. Before your appointment, please provide the office with your insurance policy number and group number so the office can confirm your coverage.

Radiofrequency vein ablation (RFA) is a minimally-invasive in-office procedure taking approximately 30-45 minutes for treating venous insufficiency and varicose veins. If you suffer from these painful, unsightly veins, or have leg pain, burning, or swelling, RFA could be a good treatment option for you. At Elite Veins, located in New York, NY, Dr. Bradley Radwaner offers RFA procedures done in the office under local anesthesia, with the patient able to walk right out of the office when completed. To learn more, call our vein clinic or use our online system to schedule an appointment today. We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.

Spider Veins (3)

What causes spider veins?

Spider veins develop when tiny blood vessels close to the skin’s surface become enlarged. The problem occurs when valves that normally keep blood flowing in one direction stop working properly.

The valves may fail when high pressure in nearby large veins forces the smaller veins to dilate and stretch. You may also develop spider veins following trauma to the area.

As the damaged valves let the blood flow backward, the fluid builds up between valves and engorges the blood vessels. The vessels then become visible as red, purple, and blue veins that spread out to resemble a spider’s web or tiny tree branches.

Spider veins can develop anywhere on your body, but they’re most commonly found on your legs and face. While spider veins usually don’t cause symptoms or health problems, valve problems in tiny surface veins may signal a similar issue in larger veins that could lead to varicose veins.

Most patients choose to have their spider veins eliminated because the unsightly veins have a big impact on their appearance. Sclerotherapy is one of the most common ways to treat spider veins.

What is sclerotherapy of spider veins?

Sclerotherapy’s name comes from the procedure, which uses a sclerosing agent to get rid of the spider veins. Sclerosing agents are medications that cause inflammation. This treatment works exceptionally well in spider veins because the medication immediately closes the vein, and causes inflammation to be gradually absorbed by your body. Before long, all the spider veins disappear.

What should I expect during sclerotherapy to treat spider veins?

Spider veins are so small and close to the surface that patients generally don’t need anesthesia. However, you can talk with Dr. Radwaner about your options if you’re worried about discomfort.

To perform sclerotherapy, he simply injects the sclerosing medication into the targeted veins. The number of injections you may need depends on the extent of your spider veins.

After your injections are finished, Dr. Radwaner may apply compression or gently massage the area for a short time, then you’re free to resume your normal activities. It’s important to protect the area from sunlight for a short time, and you’ll receive detailed care instructions before you leave the office.

If you’ve had it with spider veins that spoil your appearance, call Elite Veins NY to schedule an appointment. We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.

Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy (6)

What is ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy?

Ultrasound-guided foam therapy is a treatment modality available for dilated and leaky veins. This treatment uses foamed sclerosing medication injected into the vein using ultrasound guidance.

Foam sclerosant looks quite similar to shaving cream, it can re-liquefy within minutes. Once the foam sclerosant is injected into the vein, it then displaces any of the blood in the vein and stays inside the lining of the vein’s vessel longer than non-foam sclerosants. This treatment is effective for closing off small to medium-sized varicose veins or torturous veins that cannot be treated with a catheter.

Once the ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy has been completed, the veins are absorbed into the body and will disappear over time. A compression bandage will be provided and will be placed directly over where the treatment occurred to ensure optimal results.

We recommend continuous wear of compression stockings/socks/bandages for at least three weeks following ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy.

What can I expect after foam sclerotherapy?

All of our patients get up after the treatment and walk out of the office. We encourage each patient to continue walking once they are home.

Sclerotherapy for varicose veins requires minimal after-care, patients can return immediately to most of their daily activities. We advise that you avoid any exercise for 7 days after your procedure. It is also very important to keep your legs out of the sun.

How effective is foam sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy treatments are used to improve the appearance of veins and reduce symptoms such as inflammation, swelling, and burning. Ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy is an effective method for treating spider veins, varicose veins, and tortuous axial veins. The minimally invasive treatment involves injecting a sclerosing agent called polidocanol to the affected areas. This agent causes a safe reaction in the body that dilates the veins and makes them close. Once these veins collapse due to the irritant, they will gradually fade out and absorb into the surrounding tissues. It will take a few weeks to a month to notice a significant decrease in veins. For larger veins, it could take about three to four months to notice the results you’re looking for.

What’s the difference between sclerotherapy and foam sclerotherapy?

The key difference between sclerotherapy and foam sclerotherapy is carbon dioxide. Regular sclerotherapy does not contain carbon dioxide as one of its ingredients whereas foam sclerotherapy does. The addition of carbon dioxide allows the sclerosant to reach a greater surface area in the veins making it a much more effective treatment for severe cases. Foamed sclerotherapy is the best treatment option for large varicose veins.

How do you know if sclerotherapy is working?

Sclerotherapy can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for the vein to fully close, collapse, and slowly reabsorb into the body. You won’t know if the treatment fully worked until about the 3 month mark. Because this is a gradual process, you should start to at least see minor differences within the first few weeks. In more severe cases, you may need multiple sclerotherapy injections. Fortunately, foam sclerotherapy injections are much more likely to provide you with faster, more optimal results.

What should I avoid after sclerotherapy?

After your sclerotherapy injection, we advise you to avoid vigorous physical activity for a week and stay away from the sun. If you are planning on a beach day or walking around outside for an extended period of time, make sure to wear SPF 50 or above.

What you should do after sclerotherapy treatments is use a special lotion called Dermaka that reduces inflammation and soothes the treated area. We also recommend you regularly wear a compression stocking for at least three weeks after the injections.

If you’re looking for a vein center in New York, NY, Elite Veins may be the practice you’ve been looking for! With kind, knowledgeable staff and advanced medical technology, Elite Veins offers the highest level of care to each one of our lovely patients. If you have any additional questions about our practice or about ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy specialists in New York, NY, please don’t hesitate to contact our practice anytime during our business hours. We are more than happy to provide you with any answers and schedule you in for a free consultation to determine whether or not this treat can provide you with the results you’re looking for. Elite Veins looks forward to your visit soon to help you look and feel your very best!

If you have been diagnosed with varicose veins on your legs that are large, deep, noticeable and are causing swelling, pain or discomfort, contact Elite Veins today! We specialize in ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy and can help treat your varicose veins effectively and quickly. We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.

Venous Stasis Ulcers Treatment Specialist (4)

Can venous stasis cause ulcers?

Ulcers are considered open wounds found on the skin. They can affect many areas of the skin, but the most commonly affected area is the legs. Venous ulcers are leg ulcers that are caused due to issues with blood flow from the leg’s veins.

Venous ulcers often occur due to damage that is caused to the valves inside of the leg’s veins. The valves are what control the blood pressure inside of the leg’s veins. They allow them to drop when the individual walks. If the blood pressure is not falling inside of the legs veins when you’re walking, then the condition is called sustained venous hypertension. The increase of blood pressure within your legs is what causes these ulcers to form often around the ankles.

How do you treat a venous stasis ulcer?

Venous stasis ulcers need to be properly cared for and maintained for treatment to prevent any infections and for the ulcer to properly heal. It is particularly important that if you do have venous stasis ulcers, to make an appointment with a vein treatment center like our Elite Veins NY.

Treating the ulcers will require focusing on the circulatory or the vein issues which are causing the ulcers, or you may need to have the tissue surrounding the wound removed. At home venous stasis ulcer care will include:

  • Clean the venous stasis ulcer wound regularly 
  • Apply a clean dressing to the ulcer 
  • Avoid any products that may cause any skin sensitivities 
  • Wear compression socks or stocking which will help to prevent blood from pooling in the legs and help speed up the healing 
  • Apply an antibacterial gel or ointment, or another topical medicine to the area to prevent or treat an infection 
  • Take your prescribed antibiotic medication to prevent or treat an infection 
  • Allergy testing completed

If you prefer to try and prevent venous ulcers from happening, you will need to focus on having healthy habits, which will keep the blood flowing in the legs. Some other lifestyle changes that can improve the circulation of blood and reduce any further risks of a venous ulcer:

  • Stop or avoid smoking 
  • Lose weight if you are medically considered overweight or obese  
  • Maintaining an ideal weight  
  • Plenty of regular exercise for many reasons 
  • Move around a lot 
  • Lift up your legs for short periods of time, particularly if you have been standing all-day
How long does it take a venous stasis ulcer to heal?

Venous stasis ulcers can take a bit of time to heal, often many patients will see the venous stasis ulcer heal within a matter of 3 to 4 months if they have been treated by a healthcare professional.

There are times when an ulcer can take longer than expected to heal. Treatment with a healthcare professional will often include:

Sanitizing the wound, and dressing it Offering compression stockings, or socks, or writing a prescription for them to improve the flow of the blood within the legs.

Unless there is an underlying cause for the venous stasis ulcer that needs to be addressed, there is a high risk that the leg with the venous stasis ulcer may come back once more after treatment.

Can leg ulcers lead to amputation?

Venous stasis ulcers, also known as leg ulcers can become quite serious. They can be serious to the point that amputation may be necessary. However, with advanced medicine and our supreme medical staff, we can often help save the individual’s limbs like their leg from being amputated.

If you are noticing signs and symptoms of a leg ulcer occurring, contact our center today! We will treat your leg ulcer as quickly and efficiently as possible. We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.

Spider Veins Symptoms (4)

What are the symptoms of spider veins?

The most notable symptom of spider veins is the characteristic red or bluish-purple blood vessels that appear on the legs or thighs. Spider veins usually do not cause any symptoms, but in rare cases, may cause a mild dull discomfort, burning sensation or feeling of heaviness in the legs. When most people think of spider veins, the first thing that comes to mind is unsightly veins visible through the dermis. However, there are a number of non-visible symptoms that individuals with spider veins may experience, including:

-An uncomfortable feeling in the legs

-Throbbing, cramping, or aching

-Restless legs

-Itching around the veins

What should you do if you notice heaviness, burning and itchiness in your legs?

If you notice heaviness, burning and itchiness in your legs, it may be a sign of spider veins. Most people associate spider veins with visual symptoms, but there are a number of non-visual symptoms that can arise, including a burning and itchy sensation coupled with a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

What is discoloration in the legs an indicator of?

Discoloration of the legs may indicate a wide number of conditions, depending on the color, type, area and presence of other symptoms. Discolored skin on the legs can be caused by something as innocuous as a sunburn (which is fairly easy to discern from other types of discoloration), or it may be caused by an autoimmune disorder such as skin allergies. While there are many causes for skin discolorations, when it affects the legs, it may be caused by spider veins, an incredibly prevalent cause of skin discoloration in the legs.

What is the best treatment for spider veins?

There are a number of safe and effective treatments for spider veins; the one that is the best will be different for each patient depending on the unique factors of their situation. The most common spider veins treatments involve lasers, radiofrequency ablation, or sclerotherapy.

– Radiofrequency Vein Ablation — Radiofrequency ablation is a procedure commonly used to treat varicose veins. It uses heat created from radiofrequency (RF) to close the vein; this is typically performed in segments.

– Sclerotherapy of Spider Veins — One of the most trusted forms of treatment for spider veins is sclerotherapy. This treatment method involves injecting an irritant into the veins; the resulting inflammation, coagulation of blood, and narrowing of the veins reduce the appearance of spider veins.

– Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy — Certain cases of spider veins may require more delicate methods due to complexity or other reasons. This is where ultrasound is typically used alongside sclerotherapy, as it provides greater accuracy.

If you or someone you love is living with spider veins, trust the professionals at Elite Veins NY to help you find the solution. Call us today to book an appointment with our spider veins treatment specialist, or visit our practice conveniently located at 136 East 57th Street, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10022. We look forward to serving you! We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.

sclerotherapy-treatments (3)

Is sclerotherapy considered surgery?

No, sclerotherapy is not considered surgery. Rather, it is a minimally invasive procedure, which comes with many benefits over the surgical alternatives including reduced recovery period and downtime, as well as fewer risks or side effects. Sclerotherapy is a nonsurgical procedure that is used to effectively treat varicose and spider veins; it is often considered the treatment of choice for small varicose veins

Sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution directly into the vein and does not require any incisions or prolonged recovery periods. In this minimally invasive treatment, the sclerotherapy solution causes the vein to scar, forcing blood to reroute through healthier veins. The vein then collapses and is reabsorbed into local tissue until it eventually fades. After sclerotherapy, treated veins tend to fade within a few weeks, although occasionally it may take a month or more to see the full results. In some instances, several sclerotherapy treatments may be needed.

How long after sclerotherapy will I see results?

The length of time it takes to see results after sclerotherapy is different in every situation and depends on several factors unique to each patient, including:

– The number of varicose veins

– The size and length of varicose veins

– How long they have been present

– The unique physiology of the patient

– How the patient responds to the treatment

In the majority of cases, the appearance of the varicose veins will worsen before they improve after sclerotherapy. It is often recommended to use a topical cream in order to reduce hyperpigmentation; it may also be recommended to use compression stockings for 2 to 12 weeks following the procedure. Normally, it takes six to eight weeks for the veins to resolve, although this figure depends on the size, length, thickness and number of varicose veins being treated.

For most patients, a single sclerotherapy treatment is all that is needed to get rid of spider veins; however, a series of sclerotherapy treatments may be needed in some cases, including in patients with larger varicose veins. After a sclerotherapy treatment, smaller spider veins should begin to fade or disappear within roughly three to four weeks. Larger veins, including varicose veins, may take as long as four to six months to fade after sclerotherapy.

How many times can you get sclerotherapy?

The number of times a person can get sclerotherapy varies from one situation to the next and is dependent upon several factors, including:

– The patient’s condition

– The severity of the patient’s condition

– The patient’s desired outcomes

– How the patient responds to the therapy

– The overall health of the patient

While the ideal number of sclerotherapy sessions varies from individual to individual, it typically takes two to four treatments for the best results. In patients with milder cases, one to two sclerotherapy treatments will often suffice. In general, cases that involve more veins or larger veins require more treatment sessions.

For top-rated sclerotherapy treatments that effectively remove unsightly veins, trust the vein specialists at Elite Veins NY. Call us today to book an appointment with our sclerotherapy treatment specialist, or visit our center conveniently located at 136 East 57th Street, Suite 1001, NYC 10022. We look forward to serving you! We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.

sclerotherapy-varicose-veins (3)

Which is better, sclerotherapy or laser?

Sclerotherapy and laser therapy are two safe and effective treatments for the reduction of varicose and spider veins; which one is better will depend on the needs of the patient and the specifics of their condition. Because it is less expensive, faster and more effective than laser treatment, sclerotherapy is often the best choice for the treatment of superficial spider veins on the legs and hands. For example, in one study comparing the efficacy of laser and sclerotherapy, sclerotherapy was 50 to 70 percent effective on spider veins versus 30 to 40 percent effective in surface laser treatments.

Sclerotherapy is also better for people with:

– Low pain thresholds

– Darker skin

In most cases, sclerotherapy is the preferred treatment over laser therapy, but some situations may receive a greater benefit from laser treatments. For more information about which treatment is best in your unique situation, please call Elite Veins NY today.

How long does it take for varicose veins to disappear after sclerotherapy?

The time it takes for varicose veins to disappear after sclerotherapy is different in every situation and depends on several factors unique to each patient, including:

– The number of varicose veins

– The size of varicose veins

– How long they have been present

– The number of treatments received

– How the patient responds to the treatment

In cases with people that have small varicose or spider veins, they are most likely to notice a significant improvement within three to six weeks. As complex vein conditions require more time and patience, depending on the number, size and state of the patient’s veins, the specialist might recommend more sessions. Larger veins may require more time to withdraw, and can sometimes take up to three to four months. It is important to remember to always be careful during the recovery process, and to follow the advice given as prescribed by the doctor, as the process sometimes takes time and patience.

What is the difference between ablation and sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is performed by injecting a liquid irritant known as a sclerosant into problem veins; this causes the vein to collapse and blood flow to be rerouted to a healthy vein—the collapsed vein is then reabsorbed by the body. Sclerotherapy is the treatment of choice for spider veins and smaller veins as it is simple, cost-effective and efficacious. On the other hand, endovenous laser ablation is performed by inserting a laser fiber into the problem vein; the fiber is slowly heated using low energy, which causes the vein to heat up and collapse. To ensure patient comfort throughout the treatment, both procedures require a topical anesthetic. Both treatments are minimally invasive and leave no scarring; while the goal of both treatments is to collapse problem veins, the way the procedures are performed is different.

If you or someone you know is struggling with the appearance of varicose veins, trust the professionals at Elite Veins NY. Call us today to book an appointment for sclerotherapy of varicose veins, or visit our center conveniently located at 136 East 57th Street, Suite 1001, NYC 10022. We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.

About Faq (5)

What is the professional experience of Dr. Radwaner?

Bradley Radwaner, MD of Elite Veins NY has over 25 years of experience treating patients with state-of-the-art medical care combined with a warm and astute ability to listen and care deeply about his patients. He is a skilled cardiovascular and vascular specialist providing his patients in the New York metropolitan area with the very best in state-of-the-art vein care.

What are the other expertize of Dr. Radwaner?

Dr. Radwaner uses cutting-edge therapeutic methods to treat patients with conditions such as venous insufficiency, spider veins, varicose veins, leg cramps, swelling, and pain, using radiofrequency vein ablation, sclerotherapy, and other minimally invasive treatments. In addition to advanced treatment techniques, Dr. Radwaner also offers free vein consultations to determine if you are a candidate for one of the new treatments. In most cases, your insurance will cover the treatment if you have significant vein disease.

What is the professional qualification of Dr. Radwaner?

Dr. Radwaner earned his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in New York. He then completed his internal medicine residency at New York’s Lenox Hill Hospital and his cardiology fellowship at Columbia University and New York University medical centers. Dr. Radwaner was an invasive cardiologist performing cardiac catheterization and angioplasty at university centers in Philadelphia, New Jersey, and New York. He was trained in the treatment of vein disease at New York University.

What practice does Dr. Bradley Radwaner work with?

Dr. Radwaner is a medical researcher and professor. When he’s not seeing his patients at Elite Veins NY, he teaches medicine at New York University School of Medicine and is an attending physician at Lenox Hill Hospital.

Which hospital is Dr. Bradley Radwaner affiliated with?

He is a fellow of the American College of Cardiology and the American College of Chest Physicians. Dr. Radwaner is also a founding member of the National Lipid Association – Northeast Chapter, a founding physician of the Society of Computed Tomography (CT), and a lifetime member of Strathmore’s Who’s Who.

sclerotherapy-clinic (4)

What is the average cost of sclerotherapy?

The cost of a sclerotherapy treatment varies from one person to the next and is dependent upon a number of factors unique to each situation, including:

– Geographic location of the practice

– The level of experience of the provider

– The severity of the patient’s condition

– Number of sessions needed for optimal results

– The desired results of the patient

The cost of a sclerotherapy treatment can range from anywhere between $100 to $500, with the average costing around $343.

Is sclerotherapy injection painful?

Sclerotherapy injections can be painful, but vein doctors use a local anesthetic to numb the area in order to minimize any discomfort during the procedure. After receiving an injection of the sclerosant, some people experience a localized cramping or burning sensation; this feeling typically only lasts a few seconds and most people would describe sclerotherapy as not painful. Experienced vein doctors use lidocaine—a local anesthetic used to block sensations so the treatment is not painful—to numb the area before giving the injection. Lidocaine is commonly used in many medical procedures; it is also commonly used in dental procedures to numb the gums before drilling out a cavity. In cases where there is any discomfort during the procedure, it is important to let the vein doctor know; they can take steps to keep the patient as comfortable as possible while performing sclerotherapy.

How long does it take to recover from sclerotherapy?

The recovery from sclerotherapy is relatively simple and straightforward; it does not cause limitations in the ability to perform everyday activities. Soon after the sclerotherapy treatment, it is important to stand up and start walking around; this is essential for returning to one’s daily routine and also ensures blood clots do not have a chance to form, which can cause serious medical complications. In many cases, people can expect to return to work and their usual activities without many restrictions after undergoing sclerotherapy. However, it may be recommended to avoid overexertion and strenuous exercises for three to five days after treatment; this allows the legs enough time to heal. Symptoms such as mild discomfort and bruising should resolve within two to six weeks and should not cause any significant problems. To enhance results and prevent future blood clots, it may be suggested for patients to wear compression socks or bandages; compression socks will help to improve blood flow and enhance circulation in the treatment areas. Compression socks are only typically needed for about one to two weeks to ensure proper recovery from sclerotherapy treatment.

How many sclerotherapy treatments will I need?

The number of sclerotherapy treatment sessions it takes to achieve the desired results is different in every situation and depends upon a number of factors unique to each patient, including:

– The severity of the condition

– How long the condition has been present

– The desired results of the patient

– How the patient responds to the treatments

In mild cases, patients will likely only need one or two treatments to achieve propitious results; moderate to severe cases may require three to four sessions.

If you or someone you know has unsightly veins, trust the professionals at Elite Veins NY to help you achieve smooth, clear skin. Call us today to book an appointment at our sclerotherapy practice, or visit our office conveniently located at 136 East 57th Street, Suite 1001, NYC 10022. We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.

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Why is the skin around my ankles getting dark?

If you are beginning to notice the area around your ankles is becoming darker or discolored, it can cause self-esteem or confidence issues that can take quite a toll on you. Often discolored ankles are a sign of venous insufficiency. This is largely due to your veins being responsible for pushing back deoxygenated blood to the heart, and if the veins in your legs are having difficulties fighting gravity to force blood upwards, the blood flow from the veins will then begin to affect your lower legs and ankles by leaving hemosiderin deposits.

Hemosiderin is medically known as a protein compound that will store iron from your blood in your body’s tissues. Deposits of hemosiderin may accumulate under the skin when your blood is flowing too insufficiently to return any excess back to your immune system which will then be cleared away and instead leaves dark pigmentation on your ankles.

If blood begins to pool in the legs, ankles, and feet, it will begin to create a gnarly, and thick vein, which is known as a varicose vein. These noticeable veins can become twisted and discolored, as well as unsightly to many. While you may think varicose veins are just a cosmetic change to the skin, you are incorrect. Poor blood circulation will cause swelling and can affect the health of your skin, which is where varicose veins begin to develop as well as many other vein issues.

What causes the darkening of the skin on the lower legs?

There are a variety of causes that can cause the skin to become darker naturally. Some of these common reasons can be temporary side effects or long-term.

– Sunburn

Sunburn is your skin’s reaction to damaging UV rays, usually from the skin, and can cause the skin to become darker or red.

– Birthmarks

Birthmarks are colored area of skin that appears at birth or just after.

– Eczema

Eczema is a medical condition that can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin.

– Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an auto-inflammatory medical condition that produces can cause the body to produce excess skin cells rapidly, which causes a buildup of cells on the surface.

– Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a medical condition that can cause depigmented patches of skin.

– Skin cancer

Skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, with discoloration on the legs a symptom.

– Venous insufficiency

Veins within your legs are unable to function correctly, making it difficult for the legs to function properly, and having the blood return back to the heart.

– Diabetes

Diabetes is a medical condition where your blood sugar levels become too high, and the signs will begin to show on the skin.

– Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation will occur after physical trauma like a scratch, scrape, friction, or cut.

– Schaumberg’s disease

With Schaumberg’s disease, you begin to have capillaries leaking, and will often notice areas of discoloration on the legs

How do you fix venous insufficiency?

Depending on who you visit for venous insufficiency will depend on which treatment they will offer first, mainly treatment plans are based on important details including:

– Age

– Medical history

– Overall health

– How serious your venous insufficiency is

– Signs and symptoms

– If your condition is expected to become worse

– If you can handle particular medications, therapies, or treatments

– What route you would like to take

Treatment may include or be combined to include:

– Improving your blood flow to the leg veins

– Medication

– Endovenous laser ablation

– Radiofrequency ablation

– Sclerotherapy

– Surgery

What happens if venous insufficiency is not treated?

If you leave venous insufficiency untreated, it can damage your veins, and begin to cause serious complications including bleeding, and potentially fatal conditions like deep vein thrombosis. For more information, call us or book an appointment online. We serve patients from New York NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ, and surrounding areas.

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What causes heaviness in the legs?

The main cause of heaviness felt within the legs is often leaky, dilated leg veins, a condition called venous insufficiency. Blood circulation issues often occur in the lower part of the body, particularly the legs. This is mainly due to the veins in our legs that need to fight gravity to move blood out of the legs back up to the heart. If you have venous insufficiency the blood can end up pooling within the legs, ankles, and feet, which will result in the sensation of heaviness within the legs.

Due to venous deficiency, you will feel the sensation of having heavy legs. This will occur due to the veins being heavily damaged and failing to circulate blood back to your heart. The heavy feeling may be due to the surplus of blood pooling within the legs, unable to flow sufficiently, often resulting in swelling and heaviness within the legs.

If you do not get treatment for this, it can lead to spider veins or varicose veins, as well as other vein diseases. A few common causes of vein issues within the legs include sedentary lifestyle, obesity, hormones, genes, age, vitamin deficiencies, and lacking physical activity.

Do spider veins make your legs ache?

Many patients who have spider veins have noted that they often feel a sensation of heaviness or aching. These are common symptoms that occur with spider or varicose veins, other common symptoms that often occur with spider or varicose veins include:

– Burning, swelling, or cramping sensations

Spider or varicose veins have been known to cause a burning sensation to occur under the skin. Often reported is also swelling within the area and muscle cramping.

– Increased pain in the legs after an extended period of sitting or standing

Many who have painful spider or varicose veins will report increased pain in the legs when they have been sitting or standing for long periods of time, this is largely due to the fact that the blood is trying to pass the veins, and the blood is unable to reach the heart.

– Itching and inflammation

Itching and inflammation are other common symptoms of spider or varicose veins. Patients will sometimes report becoming more sensitive on the legs when clothes are brushing against the affected areas.

– Skin discoloration

Due to spider and varicose veins enlarging the veins, one of the most common symptoms you will experience is discoloration of the skin and surrounding veins.

Should I be worried about spider veins on my legs?

Spider veins, unlike varicose veins normally do not lead to future complications or serious issues. In many cases, you do not require treatment unless for cosmetic reasons, which is why so many of our patients book to have them taken care of. They become self-conscious or uncomfortable with spider veins being visible, so to reduce the appearance, they contact Elite Veins to have them treated.

To help reduce spider veins, you can wear compression socks, as they are snug-fitting socks or stockings which work to improve your blood flow and effectively slow down the progression of spider veins. Other healthy habits you can work on to try and slow the progression of spider veins are by exercising regularly, losing weight, avoid standing or sitting for extended periods of time. When you do sit, try to keep your legs uncrossed, and elevate your feet on a stool, or ottoman to help.

What is the treatment for heaviness in the legs?

There are a few home treatments you can work on before visiting a doctor about the heavy sensation in your legs, these treatments include:

– Elevating your legs

– Switching your standing or sitting position

– Wearing compression socks or stockings

– Reduce sodium intake

– Quit smoking

– Avoiding hot baths

– Losing weight

– Staying active

For more information, call us or book an appointment online. We serve patients from New York NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ, and surrounding areas.

Faqs (5)

What days/hours is Elite Veins open?

Mon, Tue, Thurs and Fri: 9:00AM – 5:00PM, Wednesday: 10:00AM – 7:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed

How is Elite Veins rated?

Elite Veins has a 4.3/ 5 star rating.

Does Elite Veins accept insurance?

We accept insurances and other payment methods.

Does Elite Veins Accept same day appointments?

No, but we can almost always get you in the next day! If you need urgent non life threatening medical attention please call our center and we would be happy to help you.

What Are the Symptoms of Venous Insufficiency (4)

What are the symptoms of Venous Insufficiency?

Symptoms of venous insufficiency include:

– Swelling of the legs or ankles (edema)

– Pain that gets worse when standing and improves when elevating legs

– Leg cramps

– Aching, throbbing

– A feeling of heaviness in the legs

– Itchy legs

– Weak legs

– Thickening of leg or ankle skin

– Skin that is changing color, particularly the ankle area

– Leg ulcers

– Varicose veins

– A feeling of tightness in the calves

How do I know I have venous insufficiency?

When the veins cannot properly send blood from the limbs to the heart, venous insufficiency is diagnosed. This causes blood to pool in the legs, leading to both visual signs and physical symptoms. These may include:

Swelling — Often the first sign that people notice when they have venous insufficiency is swelling. This is most likely to occur in the ankles and lower legs, particularly after standing for a prolonged period of time.

Pain That Gets Better When Legs Are Elevated — When suffering from venous insufficiency, many people also experience leg pain. This pain generally feels worse upon standing and then gets much better when raising the legs; this is due to the effects of gravity, which can make it harder for blood to circulate.

Varicose Veins — Yet another symptom of venous insufficiency is varicose veins. The pooling blood puts stress on the veins, causing them to bulge and become visible through the surface of the skin. The problem can get much worse without medical intervention, so it is imperative to seek professional help right away.

Red and Itchy Legs — The excess blood puts so much pressure on the veins that they eventually leak, leading to inflammation in the walls of the veins and the surrounding skin. The skin will become itchy and red due to a condition known as venous stasis dermatitis.

Darkening of the Skin — Leaking blood vessels can also cause the overlying skin to darken, which may take on the appearance of a bruise. This is most likely to occur close to the ankles, but can also occur on the calves and thighs. Known as hyperpigmentation, this darkening is the result of a breakdown of leaky blood cells underlying the skin.

Thickening Skin — In addition to changes in the skin’s color, the dermis may actually become thicker from venous insufficiency. Thickened skin typically has a leathery feel; adjacent areas are also darkened to a brownish color. This represents later stages of vein disease.

Wounds That Will Not Heal — Another characteristic of venous insufficiency is slower wound healing. Venous stasis ulcers may start to develop if the breakdown of the skin is caused by underlying varicose veins. These ulcers will be slow to heal and may be permanent if left untreated, so it is imperative to seek immediate care.

Why do my legs feel tight and itchy?

Tightness in the legs is the feeling that comes from venous congestion, the inability of the vascular system to return the blood back to the heart from the legs. Tightness is a sign that pressure is accumulating, most likely from blood in the veins that pool in the leg. This can cause the skin on the legs to feel itchy, which can be persistent.

Why do I have pain while walking but not at rest?

There are a wide number of conditions that can cause pain while walking but not while at rest. Most of the conditions associated with this symptom are related to the nervous system or vascular system. Venous insufficiency is one of the most common causes of this specific type of pain, and should be addressed by a medical professional at the earliest opportunity.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of venous insufficiency, trust the vein specialists at Elite Veins NY. Call us today to book an appointment with our venous insufficiency treatment specialist, or visit our practice conveniently located at 136 East 57th Street, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10022. We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.