Can venous stasis cause ulcers?

Ulcers are considered open wounds found on the skin. They can affect many areas of the skin, but the most commonly affected area is the legs. Venous ulcers are leg ulcers that are caused due to issues with blood flow from the leg’s veins.

Venous ulcers often occur due to damage that is caused to the valves inside of the leg’s veins. The valves are what control the blood pressure inside of the leg’s veins. They allow them to drop when the individual walks. If the blood pressure is not falling inside of the legs veins when you’re walking, then the condition is called sustained venous hypertension. The increase of blood pressure within your legs is what causes these ulcers to form often around the ankles.

How do you treat a venous stasis ulcer?

Venous stasis ulcers need to be properly cared for and maintained for treatment to prevent any infections and for the ulcer to properly heal. It is particularly important that if you do have venous stasis ulcers, to make an appointment with a vein treatment center like our Elite Veins NY.

Treating the ulcers will require focusing on the circulatory or the vein issues which are causing the ulcers, or you may need to have the tissue surrounding the wound removed. At home venous stasis ulcer care will include:

  • Clean the venous stasis ulcer wound regularly 
  • Apply a clean dressing to the ulcer 
  • Avoid any products that may cause any skin sensitivities 
  • Wear compression socks or stocking which will help to prevent blood from pooling in the legs and help speed up the healing 
  • Apply an antibacterial gel or ointment, or another topical medicine to the area to prevent or treat an infection 
  • Take your prescribed antibiotic medication to prevent or treat an infection 
  • Allergy testing completed

If you prefer to try and prevent venous ulcers from happening, you will need to focus on having healthy habits, which will keep the blood flowing in the legs. Some other lifestyle changes that can improve the circulation of blood and reduce any further risks of a venous ulcer:

  • Stop or avoid smoking 
  • Lose weight if you are medically considered overweight or obese  
  • Maintaining an ideal weight  
  • Plenty of regular exercise for many reasons 
  • Move around a lot 
  • Lift up your legs for short periods of time, particularly if you have been standing all-day
How long does it take a venous stasis ulcer to heal?

Venous stasis ulcers can take a bit of time to heal, often many patients will see the venous stasis ulcer heal within a matter of 3 to 4 months if they have been treated by a healthcare professional.

There are times when an ulcer can take longer than expected to heal. Treatment with a healthcare professional will often include:

Sanitizing the wound, and dressing it Offering compression stockings, or socks, or writing a prescription for them to improve the flow of the blood within the legs.

Unless there is an underlying cause for the venous stasis ulcer that needs to be addressed, there is a high risk that the leg with the venous stasis ulcer may come back once more after treatment.

Can leg ulcers lead to amputation?

Venous stasis ulcers, also known as leg ulcers can become quite serious. They can be serious to the point that amputation may be necessary. However, with advanced medicine and our supreme medical staff, we can often help save the individual’s limbs like their leg from being amputated.

If you are noticing signs and symptoms of a leg ulcer occurring, contact our center today! We will treat your leg ulcer as quickly and efficiently as possible. We serve patients from the New York City NY, Queens NY, Brooklyn NY, Manhattan NY, Bronx NY, Hoboken NJ, West New York NJ and surrounding areas.